
It is no surprise Wegmans was named Best Grocery Store in America. But I will say I was surprised a couple months ago when I visited a Wegmans in Charlottesville, Virginia (the store mentioned in the Business Insider review below) and had one of the best oatmeal cookies I have ever had. (If you know me well you know how obsessed I am with  baking, cookies especially, and especially especially oatmeal cookies.)

My first experience with Wegmans was several years ago when my BnB host insisted I go with her (an hour drive) to the nearest Wegmans in Canandaigua, New York. I was in Upstate New York to enter The World’s Greatest Grape Pie Contest in Naples Valley and told my host how much I enjoy food shopping. She said I would love Wegmans. She was right. It was by far the best grocery store I had ever been to. Granted, I prefer shopping the way they do in Japan where you go to several small specialty stores rather than one giant store like Wegmans. But if I have to go to a grocery store I would choose Wegmans over any other.

This Business Insider article says it all. With photos. Wegmans is a very visual experience. Everywhere you look massive displays are featured with the best of the best and unique, hard-to-find-anywhere-else products. It is no wonder, as the article mentions, they get thousands of calls per year begging them to come to hometowns all across the nation. Heck I almost moved to Virginia and one of the reasons I considered was because there was a Wegmans nearby. Yes, it’s that good.


Here also is a link to Wegmans website. Maybe one of the 100 stores is near you and you didn’t even know it:  https://www.wegmans.com

Oh and one more thing, Glassdoor has a 4-star rating and 91% CEO approval. I have heard from many people how great it is to work there. And it is apparent when you shop at their stores because it’s like being at a 5-star resort where every single employee greets you when they pass by. Clearly Wegmans is doing some things right.

And one more one more thing – we ate lunch at the Wegmans in Virginia and it was excellent!