Two Ways to Think About Meditation For a Better Practice, by Jon Kabat-Zinn

For this 5 Heart Rating you’re going to have to do some work. Just search the title here and you will find the Medium post written by Jon Kabat-Zinn. The article begins:

“It may be useful to realize that there are two apparently contradictory ways to think about meditation and what it is all about, and the mix is different for different teachers and in different traditions. You may find me purposefully using the language of both these ways simultaneously, because both are equally true and important and the tension between them exceedingly creative and useful.”

I don’t buy books on meditation. And I usually don’t recommend anything on the subject. But I do practice it.

Many years ago a friend gave me a book entitled: Wherever You Go, There You Are. Guess who it was written by? That’s right, Jon Kabat-Zinn. I will admit, like so many things in my life, at the time I was not very interested in the book and barely even glanced at its pages. Later I would pick it up on occasion and just open it to whatever page and read that chapter. The chapters were short. I like short chapters. Especially at that time in my life. The book became a treasure, and without going into detail, I gave it to someone just a couple years ago I thought could really benefit from it.

Jon Kabat-Zinn is one of those people I would like to sit with and just have a chat. He is an interesting guy. You can read about him here:

PS If you’re wondering about the feature image above, that’s my daughter. She and her brother have taught me mindfulness just by being around them. Other photo of course, is Jon Kabat-Zinn. Guess it was inevitable with a name like “Zinn” that he would find Zen. 🙂



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