Traditional Japanese Breakfast

I love breakfast. One of my fondest memories from my childhood is when we had breakfast for dinner. This usually meant pancakes or oatmeal or cream of wheat. Aaaahhhhhch such fond memories… All 10 of us gathered around the table for breakfast at nighttime.

To this day it is still my favorite meal to prepare – scones, omelettes, frittatas. quiche, pancakes, waffles, muffins, breakfast burritos, you name it. I’ll make whatever you want!

But it’s the Japanese version of breakfast that really speaks to me. Memories of Obachan, my kids’ Japanese grandmother, setting out all the things I love – fresh tuna sashimi, various marinated sardines and mackerel, raw egg, natto (fermented beans which are one of my favorite foods in the world), nori (seaweed), sweet beans, rice, fresh tomatoes with katsuoboshi (fish shavings), etc. Can you say YUM!!!

I’m telling you there is nothing like it. It is unique and it is loaded with energy. I could eat Japanese breakfast everyday for every meal for the rest of my life.

Photos you see here were taken by my kids on their recent trip to Japan. Trust me when I say the photos do not do justice. Photo of my daughter and her dad is dinner but breakfast can be just elaborate. Breakfast is an event in Japan. Gah I miss it!