May 18, 2013 by Jean Oshima
According to iTunes, with Viber, everyone in the world can connect. Wikipedia describes Viber as a proprietary cross-platform instant messaging voice-over-Internet Protocol application for smartphones developed by Viber Media. In addition to text messaging, users can exchange images, video and audio media messages. The client software is available for Windows, Mac, Android, BlackBerry OS, iOS, Series 40, Symbian, Bada, Windows Phone, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows. Viber works on both 3G and WiFi Filed Under: 5 Heart Rating Tagged With: Android, app, Apple, apps, BlackBerry, instant messaging, messaging, smartphones, tech, technology, VIber
April 9, 2013 by Jean Oshima

Filed Under: 5 Heart Rating Tagged With: app, iPhone, iTranslate, language, tech, translate, travel
April 30, 2013 by Jean Oshima

Filed Under: 5 Heart Rating Tagged With: eBay, PayPal, tech