Shirley MacLaine

As much as Shirley MacLaine has gone through fazes of popularity I have to admit I too have been a fickle fan. I think I’ve always been intrigued by her, but I do recall wondering about her when I was young. I’m certain influences from my parents, especially my mom, came into play. But I clearly recall her being controversial with her views on past lives and such and since I was raised by rather progressive types, I was intrigued more than put off. My mom always believed in reincarnation, karma, past lives, astrology, etc.

New Age beliefs, and having an interest in spirituality and reincarnation. She has written a series of autobiographical works that describe these beliefs, document her world travels, and describe her Hollywood career.

Note: I’m still not clear what the meaning of “new age” really is considering most of the practices and studies seem to relate directly to “old age” beliefs, not new at all.

So the other day I saw a movie with Ms. MacLaine. She’s 83 years old and still making movies! The movie is The Last Word and clearly, or at least it appears to be, based on her own life to at least some degree. The fact that this woman can 1) still show up every day to film a movie, 2) remember so many lines, and 3) still be so convincing her role is mind-blowing to me.

I have no desire to live until I’m 83. As a matter of fact, my kids will tell you, I could go at any time and I hope people have a huge party. I’ve already had an amazing life filled with 150 years of experiences. But if I do have to live until I’m 83 I sure hope I have the stamina and sense of humor of Ms. MacLaine. I think she’s awesome.