
This is the very first 5 Heart Rating I’ve ever given without actually having the experience myself. On a recent visit I didn’t get the chance to dine at Panaretto in East Ft. Lauderdale, Florida but my kids did. Multiple times. My son had been telling me about it for months. 

My adult children have been spoiled. They have eaten some of the best foods in the world. One was born in Japan and they both lived there and have visited several times. The food in Japan is excellent. And not just the Japanese food. Still, the best French food I have ever had was in Tokyo. Also the best Vietnamese.

My kids also have had the opportunity to travel all over the United States and visit many countries and experience the cuisine. So when they both agreed Panaretto is an excellent restaurant I paid attention. Then my son asked if I would consider doing a 5 Heart Rating on the restaurant even though I had never been. This was huge.

First, I didn’t know my son had ever even seen my blog and second, for him to be this enthusiastic about Panaretto speaks volumes. He has very keen senses. This is an understatement. I am certain he could be a food critic or a wine sommelier. Just as one example, I could bake the exact same recipe of something he had eaten his entire life and he’d actually notice if I changed one teensy little thing. (As I’ve gotten older I never EVER make a trip to the store for one ingredient. I remember doing this multiple times when I was younger. Sometimes 2 or 3 trips. Especially at the holidays. No more. Now, I find a way to improvise or I just change plans completely.)

The convo would start something like this: “Mom, did you do something different this time?” This always made me laugh. Especially since I had to think about what it was exactly that I’d actually done differently.

My daughter on the other hand, also with very acute senses, almost never comments on food. She loves it all. And that’s that. Especially pizza. She is very discerning when it comes to her favorites but I have never seen her turn down a piece of pizza. Ever. As a matter of fact when she was 5 years old she ate 5 giant pieces in one sitting at a birthday party. Although Panaretto is known for their pizza and even has the word pizzeria in their name on their website, my kids did not have the pizza.

If you’re ever in the South Florida area, be sure to check out Panaretto. My kids both think the food, the service, and the atmosphere make this dining experience a 5 Heart Rating. Hope you do too!

PS They wanted me to especially emphasize how good the service is. If you go ask for Ivan. He is an outstanding server!