Justin Timberlake Live

If you know me well you already know my favorite performing artist is Michael Jackson. So when I say Justin Timberlake live in concert is my second favorite, I am also saying Michael is my favorite overall artist including live and recorded. I could listen to him and/or watch him perform all day long every day for the rest of my life. Justin is second only to him performing live. Though the gap between MJ and JT is huge for me. Just want to be clear on that. JT is awesome and sooooooo worthy of a 5 Heart Rating. MJ is and always will be in a category of his own. No one comes close.

I had the privilege of seeing JT live in 2007 and was nearly killed on the way there. (Gotta love those Southern California roads. If I had died after the concert that would’ve been okay since I’d already seen MJ live too. This is how much I love these performers.)

Pink opened for JT on his Future Sex/Love Show tour. Let me repeat that. Pink opened for JT. I still cannot believe she opens for anyone. It was the first time I’d seen her perform and I was blown completely away. To say that the evening of pure entertainment (with my teenage daughter and her bff) was the second most enjoyable of my life is an understatement.

Everyone should see JT live. No matter your music taste, I would bet you would love him. I just saw him again at the Pilgrimage Festival in Franklin, Tennessee, where JT lives. He was amazing, to say the least. Chris Stapleton showed up and even more magic filled the air.

Here’s a little clip from the Pilgrimage Festival performance just days ago.

PS Highly recommend you see him sitting in a really good seat so you can actually see him, not just the big screen.