Amazon Adventure (a film)

The Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago deserves its own 5 Heart Rating but I feel I need to visit again at least once more in order to give it a well-deserved review. I have fond memories of visiting as a child but I have only been once as an adult and that was just recent. We saw the film Amazon Adventure which is the subject of this 5 Heart Rating. What an amazing film!

Amazon Adventure was educational, thoroughly entertaining, and a spectacular visual experience. I would recommend it for all ages. I wish I could go back to see it again. There’s so much information and breathtaking beauty captured in this work of art.

According to The Museum of Science and Industry’s website, Amazon Adventure traces the extraordinary journey of naturalist and explorer Henry Bates’ 11-year expedition through the Amazon rainforest. Little known to the public, Bates provided “the beautiful proof” for Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection and made crucial contributions to biology. You’ll be drawn into this fascinating world of animal mimicry and the breathtaking wildlife of the lush Amazon region.

Oh and one more thing that just adds to the many reasons I would highly recommend this film is that it is shown on the museum’s giant five-story, domed wraparound theater.

For information about Amazon Adventure please visit The Museum of Science and Industry website: